Recently, I woke up with these words: “Move forward, unafraid.”
I went to Isaiah 41:10 and these words jumped out, “Fear not!”
Then I opened my devotional for the daily reading, and there it was, “Move forward, unafraid!”
I know this word was for me, but not only for me.
Fear is a spirit instilled in us from the devil to keep us from moving out into an abundant, purpose-filled, and power-filled life.
Fear unhealed can look like procrastination, lack of motivation, and low-grade sadness, causing doubt and despair.
Fear is probably one of the single biggest obstacles to peace, joy, and all that Jesus died to give us.
Getting rid of fear doesn’t mean “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
As Christians, we are not to be in fear.
My dear sister in Christ reminded me that God’s “perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18). We lean into the word—the truth. Our Father loves us. We tell the Truth to the lie.
“Fear not,” God said, “I am with you, I will strengthen you, I’ll help you, I’ve got you.” (my paraphrase) Isaiah 41:10
When fear arises, we tell it to go until peace comes.
Oftentimes we may have been “out there” on our own trying to control everything and everyone, fearful that things won’t go our way. This is sin; we can get to the root, repent and get right with the Lord again.
Our transformation from overcoming fear changes EVERYTHING!
I know. I’ve been delivered from panic attacks caused by incapacitating fear I lived with for years.
Remember, “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” So, you know where it comes from.
Cast it out!
Don’t spend another day in fear.
If you struggle with debilitating fear, worry, and overwhelm, reach out, get help, get free.
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