Have you ever signed up for something you know is exactly what you need to get you to wherever you want to be, whatever it is you want to experience—a lifetime dream, a long-term goal?
You are so excited knowing that this program or plan will finally take you to your goals—personally or professionally?
You may have been this way before and never quite achieved the desired results. Okay, you quit. But this time, you tell yourself, it’s going to work.
This time it will be different.
Sure, there was a big-money investment (and money was tight), and the amount of time required would cost you. You may have to put other activities (even people) aside for a while. But it would be worth it!
Then, something happened.
And doesn’t it always happen? You blast off like a rocket, and halfway to the target, you lose propulsion. You begin to feel the tug back down to where you started.
Those voices start up again.
The ones that tell you, “Stop, don’t do it, you always start and never finish, it’s a waste of money, you’re ignoring the relationship….” You sense that feeling again of giving in, giving up. It’s just too hard.
And, so you stop.
You begin the descent back to earth, to reality, where you are comfortable–comfortably miserable.
But the longing for that thing doesn’t leave.
I know—I lived in fear of the future, maintaining the status quo, listening to the voices keeping me from God-implanted dreams. Finally, I realized that the only voice I needed to listen to was Holy Spirit. And then I had to commit to the process—putting my hand to plow, no looking back. (Luke 9:62)
Begin again; hand to the plow:
- Pray each day to get clear and stay focused on the vision—Habakkuk 2:2-3
- Believe by faith for God’s perfect wisdom and His outcome (Isaiah 48:17)
- Have courage; take action. (Joshua 1:9)
- Get help for the guidance and strategy you need to see the plan through (Proverbs 15:22)
- Don’t give up! Never give up! (Galatians 6:9)
What the Lord is calling you to will stay in your mind and heart.
If you are frustrated by the starts and stops, determine to put your hand to that plow, and then get in the flow of God’s wisdom, grace and guidance.
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